Gracious Grove Sew Along -- Week 4
Well, we’re at Block 3 already! This is another simple one, you will have it whipped up in no time.
Pieces cut for Block 3
Here are the pieces all cut and ready to stitch together. We are now starting to get to use all of the fun prints in the Grove fabric collection. It’s fun to get to work with new prints on each block, don’t you think?
The construction of this block uses the methods we have used before—making corner triangles and half-square-triangles. There is nothing tricky here.
press first corner triangle before adding the next.
Only a few little tips: Press the seams away from the white on the corner triangles. Press the first corner triangle open before adding the corner triangle on the adjacent corner.
center 9-patch
The center block is a simple 9-patch construction. Sew the pieces in each row together and press away from the white. Then the rows will nest together nicely.
This block is the only one that has applique added onto a pieced block. We will add 8 appliqued leaves on this block later. We’ll add the applique when we get to the applique section. So, for now, set this block aside and we’ll come back to it.
Block 3 with appliqued leaves
That’s all for this week. Remember to post some pictures and use the hashtag #graciousgrovesewalong.