Gracious Grove Sew Along -- Week 5
Week 5 already—we’re almost half way done! Have you been sewing along? Did you get all caught up yet? Some of you are ahead—good for you—and some are just starting. But either way, these posts will always be here and you can find all the weeks easily in the right side-bar if you ever need to look back.
Pieces cut and ready.
This week’s block is cheery and bright—perfect for the dark dreary day we are having here. I hope Spring is on it’s way soon!
It’s pretty self-explanatory—using the techniques we have used before: making half-square-triangles and flying geese units.
But the center unit is a little different, in that we use triangles to make the square-in-a-square unit. Be sure when you place your triangles on the square to sew that you have the centers matched up.
match up center of square with center of triangle
I like to mark the center of the triangle and the square and match them. You will have extra triangle hanging over, but leave it until you have added all four triangles, then trim to size.
ready to trim.
Look how cute that center unit is!! It comes out perfect with nice crisp points, and then you will trim it to size. Lay out the units you have created in 3 rows. Sew the units together and then the rows together to conplete the block.
three rows of units.
That’s all about the block—you will have no trouble at all with that.
I just want to remind you that we will be starting the applique section of the quilt in two weeks, so be sure that you have your supplies on hand. Remember, you will need the following tools:
Maker Paper
Applique Set (Appli-Glue, Poke-A-Dots, Starch Brush, Quilter’s Digit, Needles)
1/4” Bias Tape Maker
matching threads
All of these tools can be purchased at a quilt shop or on my website.
I can’t wait—It’s going to be fun!!