Gracious Grove Sew Along -- Week 6
Don’t make the same mistake I did. Read on. . .
Welcome to Week 6. This is our last pieced block. Next week I will post a video with instructions for my applique method which we will use on the remaining blocks. I’ll teach you everything you need to know to have great results with your applique. So be sure to visit me again next week for all the instruction.
But for today, let’s get that last piecing done! First of all, a cute pic of my grand-daughter, Hazel. She’s just crawled over Block 5, and she loves it! (Maybe she is loving being outside for a change.)
Hazel loves the quilt, too!
I’ve cut out my pieces for Block 5.
This is a colorful block, but warning—be cautious. Pink and Orange are very different colors, but these are the same VALUE— so it can be easy to mix them up. (Especially if you are sewing, like I am, very late at night in a poorly lit room!). Make sure you have the pieces laid out in the correct orientation.
When you sew the units all together to make the block, check again that everything is turned the right way. I had to unpick my whole quilt top because one piece was turned wrong!
unpicking is a part of the process!!!!
Can you see my mistake in the photo above and in the top photo? It’s on the left side—I had that unit turned wrong. It was a pain to get to because I had already pieced the whole quilt top together! And then, of course, I couldn’t find my seam ripper. So I grabbed the nearest thing that would work. Turns out—an Xacto knife is a very good seam ripper!
Ok, there you go. That is all the advice I have for you on this block. Go get ‘er done1
See you next week for APPLIQUE!!!